Here at Oak House School, the Science department takes experimentation very
seriously. We use a three pronged approach in training our students in the art
of experimentation.
The first is getting our students used to being in the lab, getting to know
the equipment and how to use it accurately and precisely.
Secondly is getting the students to become aware of the variables that can
affect the result of an experiment and how they can be controlled, during
experimental design, in order to get a repeatable and reproducible result.
Lastly there is the ability to analyze results to extract meaningful
conclusions and also determine the trust with which you can give that result
through error analysis.
These three aspects are covered in different ways in different year groups.
Whether it's in the weekly practicals in 1st and 2nd ESO, the training for the
IGCSE practical exam in 3rd ESO, the Science enrichment afternoons for both
cycles of ESO where students can pursue their own projects or the extensive practical
training they receive in 4th ESO. All of this training prepares the students to
then handle the internal assessment for IB and the research components for both
the treball de recerca (Bachillerato) and the extended essay (IB).
None of this would be possible without the dedicated efforts of our lab
technicians who are always available for the requests of both teaching staff
and students in their practical pursuits.
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