Friday, 24 January 2014

Programa Joves i Cièncias

This is a program that is run by Fundació Catalunya La Pedrera that is very well worth entering for. This program runs over three years and is aimed at 4th ESO students. Students will participate in Scientific research with Universities both locally and internationally in a number of different areas.
One of our 2nd Bachillerato students, Pepe Amich,  was lucky to be awarded one of the 50 places when he was a 4th ESO student. In his first summer with this program he was working on molecular modeling of a cell receptor thought to be implicit in a certain type of cancer. The Science he was working on was cutting edge and the things he learned invaluable. If you thought that was enough, in his second year he was off to MIT in the United States where he worked with an eminent scientist in another field. From this work he became a co-author in a scientific paper published in a top Science journal. From these experiences (and he still has one more summer to go) many doors have opened for Pepe, including acceptance on another course “Bojos per la Ciència” and also acceptance into Harvard where he starts next September. The experience for Pepe has been invaluable and has just fueled his love for Science.
So if you are a 4th ESO student and love Science; if you plan to continue your scientific studies in Bachillerato; if you can see yourself pursuing a career in a field of Science; then you need to apply for this program!!
When asked, Pepe said the best thing you can do when applying is to sell yourself and your capabilities. If you want more ideas from him then find him and ask.
The closing date is the 21st of February. If you need any help or references, please contact a member of the Science department.
For more details check out:

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